Motivate Me to Get Rich

Being rich is more than having lots of money. Being rich and living a rich lifestyle is a mindset. Money gives you choices, the more money you have the more choices you will face. Having money for itself is no good, it'w aht you what you want the money for that's they key. Once you have that figured out, you will know what you need to do to get the money you need. If you don't need much, you won't do very much. If you're going to have a goal - why not make it a big one, then go to work to make it happen. 


Keys to living a rich life

Who do you work for? Believe it or not, the answer is not the company who pays your wages. I believe that the person you work for - is actually you. You are totally responsible for the business of YOU. You are entirely responsible for the direction you are travelling, who is travelling with you, and how fast you are getting to your destination. You are also entirely responsible for the health of your company - health being physical shape, emotional shape, financial shape and your company's personal spirituality and/or philosophy. 

Now the question has to be - if you had to go to work every day and work for that person, would you enjoy working for them? Or would you be looking for a new job in the not too distant future? 

Think about it this way:

  • Would you continue to work for a company that doesn't pay its bills, let alone on time?
  • Would you continue to work for a company who has a huge debt and works from pay cheque to pay cheque just to get by?
  • Would you continue to work for a company that does little or nothing to move the business forward, but continues to do the same things over and over again?
  • Would you continue to work for a boss who eats too much, smokes to excess or drinks every night, and comes into work hung over and not looking the best every morning?
  • Would you continue to work for a boss who looks like they might keel over from a heart attack because of poor decisions, stressful relationships, and is miserable doing what he/she is doing?
  • Would you continue to work for a company that does not appreciate its workers, speaks down to them, and bitches about other people behind their backs?


You'd be off like a shot wouldn't you. There is no way you would continue to work for an organisation that doesn't appreciate who and what you are, and what you can do. 

So what are the keys to living a rich life:  

  • Pay yourself first – this is one of the keys to wealth generation. Work towards putting away 10% for your future. Work towards putting 10% away for capital purchases. Work towards putting 10% towards paying it forward (tithing, giving, donations) – then learn to live well on the 70% that is left. You may only be able to start with 1% in each area, but start. You may kid yourself and say I’ll give 100,000 when I get a million – when you can’t give 10c out of a dollar.
  • Pay your debts
  • Pay your ethical debts (give back those things you’ve borrowed, including any monies you “borrowed” - and
  • Be grateful for what you have now while you pursue what you want.