Motivate Me to Be Successful

"To think about your life is to create it. You have to take ownership of where you are right now and know where you want to go before you can get there. Keep collecting evidence for your success. You can believe it, and you can be it."
~ Ali Vincent

Entries in CV (3)


Motivate Me to get a new job

I have worked pretty much full time since leaving school at 18, and I started part-time work when I was just 12 years old, delivering morning papers 6 days a week before showering and going to school. There was no concept of gap years, end of year balls or any of the stuff that we see today. I'm not saying there shouldn't be those things, just for me and most of my generation there were 3 options.

  1. Finish high school and go to uni / college (and work part-time on the side)
  2. Finish high school and go to work, or
  3. Finish high school and get married and have kids (women of course)

There were a few exceptions, but not many. That's just how it was.

And finding work seemed to be quite easy. I left school and went to work in a biscuit factory the next town over. During that brief 6 week period I was interviewed for a role at an Academic Library and got it. I stayed there for 11 years moving through the departments, learning my trade and gaining my degree. After that I did two years in a corporate library (Astra Zeneca) before migrating to Australia with my then husband and two young kids.

The next 20 years weren't without their challenges (separation, divorce, single parent, redundancies), but I always seemed to find work when I needed to. But in amongst all of that my partner and I decided that it would be good to have a side hustle and I put my years in HR and writing skills to better use and we created a business - Perth Resume Writer. 

My side hustle has become my main hustle after I was made redundant again in April 2020. While we have been fortunate in Western Australia, the company I was working for didn't know that in March when it became apparent that COVID-19 was taking hold and a few of us were let go.

Having set up the business a few years prior, creating resumes and job applications for people who didn't know where to begin putting an application together or those who didn't have time to do it themselves - on a small scale - we turned on the pipeline.

It's fabulous. We have taken what used to be something I did to earn a bit more money and turned it into something special. (If you want to know more about creating your own unique business opportunity please speak to Mike at

As confidence is coming back into the WA economy, so are the jobs and unfortunately - a lot of competition for those jobs, and if you don't know what you are doing it can be hard to cut through. How do I know my work is getting people to interview - simple, they tell me and they are referring their friends and family to me too.

I may go back into mainstream employment, but for the first time in my career it is nice to be in control of my own destiny and the feeling of success is incredible.