Entries in Think and grow rich (1)


A life without books is no food for thought

Can you imagine a life without books?

You can't? 

Then why not ask a person who can't be bothered to read one.

When you consider that the worlds greatest thinkers have put their thoughts, opinions and ideas into a format that we can access - isn't it a shame that most people don't bother to read, to explore the contents and to see how those thoughts, opinions and ideas can change their lives. Well I think it is.

We have a chance to have a few hours of intimate discourse with people we would never have met otherwise. How lucky are we?

You could argue that you don't have the time to read all there is to read - and you know what you are absolutely right - There are e-books, free books, printed books, articles and websites - which is why you have to be discriminating about what you read - because there is a lot of "rubbish" out there. Which is why you should also try to safeguard every precious moment you have that you could consider "spare" and put
it to better / other uses.

  1. Of all the books you have read - which would you consider to have made the biggest impact on your life?
  2. What was the last book you read - why did you choose it?
  3. What is the next book on your list of MUST read books? Why that book and not one of the others?
  4. What book would you recommend to someone who is struggling - financially, emotionally, spiritually?
  5. Do you give books as gifts?

You don't have to answer these questions of course, but perhaps you should take the time to do so, if you want to be a serious student of life and living. To answer the questions -

1. Too many to list, but in the last 12 months:

- Think and grow rich - Napoloen Hill
- The Go Giver - Bob Burg and John David Mann
- The Angel Inside - Chris Widener
- 12 pillars - Jim Rohn and Chris Widener
- The Law of Attraction - Esther and Jerry Hicks

etc etc

2. Tom Clancy - Rainbow Six - I was on holiday!! I am allowed you know

3. The Irristible Offer - Mark Joyner - for marketing strategies

4. Any of the above - with maybe the exception of Rainbow Six.

5. Absolutely - that or gift cards to bookshops.

How about you?

Jim Rohn once said that "all leaders are readers" and without exception every leader I have known and met do exactly that - but they are discerning about what they read. After all, like I said there is a lot of "rubbish" out there.

If you want to excel, it's time to break out of limited thinking and harvest the thoughts of the leaders, entrepreneurs and business owners to see what they did. Then ask - what can I apply to my own life to get more, be more, do more.